Guardian Services


Guardian Services LLC
PO Box 641387
Kenner, Louisiana 70064

Ph 504.464.5778
Ph 877.888.8444
Fax 504.464.1582



At all times, Guardian Services, LLC, strives to provide a professional and quality service to all our clients and one of the fundamental elements of our service is providing detailed and pertinent updates.

Similar to our service to our clients, we provide individualized content of updates in accordance to our client’s individual need and requirement, an example of which is available for your perusal.

We are our client’s ‘eyes and ears’ and are representative of them when carrying out our repossession work, and we believe it is fundamental to our success (which becomes their success) that we provide as much information as possible to them in order that we can secure their collateral in a minimal amount of time. Because of this, our Field Agents and our administrative staff are trained to provide the aforementioned.

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